Notes on Cloud Streets as Seen by Satellite


  • Richard Scorer


Meteorology, Atmospheric physics, Climatology


The photographs on which these notes are based were supplied by the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics in the University of Dundee. The statistical results were obtained by Mrs. Al-Hadithi in the course of an investigation for M.Sc. It has become possible to see cloud configurations on a scale unknown until recently. Previous investigations, particularly those by Dr. V.G. P1ank, were based on observations from aircraft, and could only span a few street widths. They also depended on the availability of the aircraft, and could only be conducted near to established aircraft bases, which meant that they were almost exclusively carried out over land. But with satellites it has become possible to get a good feel for the frequency of occurence of streets in climates from the arctic to the tropics, and we can also distinguish the forms of streets typical of ocean and continental areas.



